Dear Coaches and Helpers,
As we approach the end of the season, we’d like to formally thank you for all your hard work and efforts on behalf of Inter during the past year. We realise that weather issues have made it a particularly difficult winter and that has put more pressure on training your squads and on communication with your team members, their parents and other teams. Diolch yn fawr!
We thought we’d put a few housekeeping issues in one email to save some time:
End of Season Prize Giving – We’re all looking forward to celebrating the achievements of squads, teams and individuals at Penarth RFC on Sunday, 19th May. We’ll split the day into two segments with the younger squads (up to and including under 12’s) having the first half of the event between 2pm and 3.30pm and the older aged squads having the second half between 4pm and 5.30pm. There’ll be food and a raffle so please remind all the kids and parents to bring cash. Committee members will be in touch with the coaches to confirm the presentation of medals and trophies.
AGM – We’re intending to have our Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Monday, June 10th at the Windsor Pub. It would be great if we had at least two representatives from each squad (ideally including a coach and parent representative). It would be good to get your feedback and be able to share some of our ideas with you as we start planning for a new season.
Fees for New Season (2024/25) – From next season onwards we are requesting that all Inter playing fees are paid directly into the Inter Bank account. (Details as follows: Account: Inter Penarth AFC, Sort Code: 20-18-27 (Barclays), Account Number: 60131393, to include surname of child and age group as a reference). This will hopefully reduce the burden upon yourselves and will conform with best practice for FAW purposes. Where there is genuine difficulty in paying fees, we are prepared to have those fees paid in two instalments (with the second instalment due in January) but, ideally, we will collect the total fee at the beginning of the season. We will be determining next year’s fees around the time of the AGM. All enquiries regarding fees should be directed to our Treasurer, Joanne Jones at
Fines and Sanctions – Hopefully this is a minor point but please be aware that any fines levied by the League need to be paid directly by those to whom the fine relates and not by the Club.
New Kits and Equipment – We are aware that some squads will need new kits and equipment as we enter the new season. Where new kits are required, we hope that each squad can raise some sponsorship, with the Club then funding the balance. With regard to new equipment for the new season, we would like all requests to be made to the Treasurer by June 30th at the latest.
DBS Validity – We would like to remind all coaches of the need to check their DBS validity and whether they might need a renewal of a Course for the coming season. Please direct any queries in this regard to Stephen Black, our Head of Membership and Registration at
Photography Protocols - There have been some queries raised regarding the use of photographs of junior players on social media. Our policy is that images used in closed user groups on Facebook, WhatsApp etc are assumed to be acceptable on the basis that everyone with access has signed up to the user group. However, where images are intended to be shown to a wider audience, parents need to have specifically consented by ‘opting in’ to their use.
Code of Conduct – We plan on distributing the FAW Code of Conduct to parents and players prior to the start of next season and asking that it be signed and returned to the Club. We hope that you will support this initiative.
Tools & Resources on Club website – Our vice Chair, Mark Adams has done a great job this year in establishing a proper website for the Club, Please be aware that there are a host of tools and resources on the website to support our coaches. Mark is always keen to know how the website might be improved – please contact him with any suggestions at We are also in the process of producing a handbook for coaches, to assist in getting new age groups started. If you have any suggestions on what should be in there, then please drop an email to Mark.
New Squads – We have already begun a recruitment process for players and parents for an under 7 and under 8 squad (and, possibly an under 6 squad) for the new season. If you know of anyone who might be interested in coaching or supporting the establishment of these squads then please let us know.
New Safeguarding Officer- Martina McCrossan has informed us that she would like to stand down as the Club’s Safeguarding Officer. Could you please let us know if there’s anyone within your squad’s coaching or parents group that would like to take on this role. Martina will be happy to provide any background information required and can be contacted at
End of Season Survey - We would like your support in getting feedback from all club members at the end of the season. Please could you encourage all parents to fill in the survey which is linked here by the end of May (Mark will also distribute via the WhatsApp group). In the same manner as last year, this will provide whole club and age-specific feedback on aspects of coaching, matches, equipment and training. We will provide overall results at the AGM followed by specific feedback to coaches, to support your preparations for next year.
As we have mentioned on a number of occasions, we are always keen to learn your views on how we might continue to develop the Club. The AGM will give you a great opportunity to put any ideas forward but feel free to contact us at any time. Again, thanks for the huge time contribution and all your efforts on behalf of the Club and we look forward to seeing you at the End of Season Prizegiving.
Kind regards,
Darran Evans | Chair
Jason Gill | Secretary