Membership Fees. Membership fees for Inter Penarth AFC will remain at £100 per player for the 2024-25 season. This covers the running costs of the club, including:
Registration with the South Wales FA and Vale of Glamorgan league,
Coaching course costs
Cost of referees
Winter training venue hire
Equipment (balls, goals, cones etc)
At present, the club does not have sufficient funds to fully subsidise kit for players but is able to provide a contribution towards the costs. Age groups looking for a new kit are encouraged to seek sponsorship opportunities, keeping the Secretary informed.
Existing Members. Members are requested to pay £100 per player to the account details below. Coaches are not to collect funds on behalf of their squads.
Inter Penarth | 20-18-27 | 60131393
Reference: Player's name and age group (e.g. M Jones U8)
Players who have not paid their membership fees will not be allowed to play during the next season. Any member experiencing difficulties in paying membership fees should consult the Treasurer in the first instance.
New Members. Anyone interested in joining Inter Penarth should contact the club using the form in this website, or by emailing the Registration Officer. For more details, see the Registration Guide.​​